Stan Getz Community

Remembering Stan...

This is an excellent interview with value and creative content.

It's nice to see Stan mention my friend/teacher Sal Nistico. I know Sal sure dug Stan too.

This is enjoyable reading- what are your thoughts on it??

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What a wonderful interview... He sounds so down to earth and speaks without the loftiness you usually feel in interviews with artists (of any medium). He's not trying to sound artsy and complicated... just sharing in a very inclusive, honest, real voice.

For some reason his quick mention of rock 'n' roll and even just his brief comments on that, made me salivate at the thought of what he would be doing now. "...[Nothing] highbrow or anything; just intelligent, and something which reflects what's happening in our society at the present time."

I recently discovered a Sergio Mendes album that came out not too long ago where he collaborated with some wonderful current artists on new versions of some of his past hits and some of the records were awesome in my opinion. I wondered even then what Stan could be doing with some of them.... The possibilities are absolutely mind boggling!

Thanks Sir Tim of Pricelessville... great post!
Yeah...EXCELLENT! I agree with you Joannah...definitely down to earth man was Stan:) You can hear the heart of a person through their music, but i love reading pieces as such, because it is the personality and the life that shines through these personal down to the core interviews, making the music that much more meaningful and moving...Home run again Tim...good on ya(-;o
Stan had some insights into the future as well. As quiet as its kept- Chick Coreas bands were conceived when Chick was with Stan. OF COURSE...It went it's own direction and so on but the organic seed was there. EG- Return To Forever etc etc

Stan was about creative expression. Stans way of thinking about creating music, was not the music itself. To me, his main ideas were growth through creativity. He knew that the music would foster that. As well as he knew via experiences then that the
music will change and grow to reflect. This mostly involves conceptual growth as opposed to technical growth, although that is necessary also. All of the elements in the
in Stan's music came from life experiences. A point in time if you will.

Stan's element was very broadening in the way of perspective or philosophy and conceptual point of view. EF- " Focus" and the Brazilian musics come to mind instantly.

Every note Stan Getz played was unique.Since the goal is the expression of culture and philosophy, Stan was one of the front runners in this.

Another aspect I always loved about his musics was that the same music can be experienced many different ways by different people. Very cool indeed.

I hope this made sense and I didn't ramble to much.

Joan DesCarpentier said:
Yeah...EXCELLENT! I agree with you Joannah...definitely down to earth man was Stan:) You can hear the heart of a person through their music, but i love reading pieces as such, because it is the personality and the life that shines through these personal down to the core interviews, making the music that much more meaningful and moving...Home run again Tim...good on ya(-;o

I didn't find that to be at all "rambleing on" Tim. I found it to be very intuitive on your part as well as informative and most interesting. I love the fact that Stan says in this interview that he "mostly plays by ear." I believe when you do so, there is an improvisation of sound impression that an artist projects. It is the feeling and the passion within that is almost of a healing nature in some instances. There is no set format to follow, leaving the artist to his own emotion expressed....much like that of an abstract painting, only the color is tones of sound. Maybe I am rambleing on......or finding it hard to project what my inner thoughts are here. I do know that through all the forums posted here by everyone, I have a whole new debth of appreciation for Stans music that was already deep seated. I listen not only with my ears but with my heart, and feel the life that is portrayed through such incredible sound from an amazing man/musician/mind.
as a scotsman, i have always followed my instincts and felt that Stan Getz was a down to earth guy, that is how all those great notes came out, its natural to him. the greatest players always had a lot going on in their life, ups and downs, so when it was time to play the sax, it was a break from the perils of the day. me personally, its my chance to escape from the wife!! and the worries of daily strife, so what better way but to dig deep into the soul and find some magical sounds! great guy, when he says he mostly plays by ear, thats his way of screaming out the pain that no one can say is wrong...... its shouting out loud in a unique talent.

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