Stan Getz Community

Remembering Stan...

  • 70, Female
  • Oshkosh
  • United States Minor Outlying Islands
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Kim's Friends

  • Nelson Harrison
  • Arthur  Schroeck
  • Lou and Eva
  • Bill Barnes
  • Jota Resende
  • Bev Getz

Kim's Page

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Profile Information

About me:
I am an avid jazz lover. I grew up with jazz as my father was horn player and played for 55+ years in big bands and orchestras. My mother also sang and that was how they came to meet. And then there came 1 son and 5 girls. All the girls sing. I used to sing semi-professionally with one of my sisters. I still try to get out and do a little entertaining, but my schedule is quite hectic.
I am extremely blessed to have been asked to be a part of Stan Getz's community. He is looking down on you Bev...he's the proudest father with a daughter as unique and loving as you!! Thank you for letting me be a part of your family.
God Bless...
Kim ~xOxOx~

Comment Wall (8 comments)

At 8:28pm on May 5, 2008, Bev Getz said…
Hi Kim!! So glad you joined! WELCOME! Looking forward to your contributions here! How wonderful that your Dad played in the big bands for all those years!

Big Hug,
At 9:09am on May 15, 2008, bena said…
do you play alto or tenor
where are you from?
At 1:40am on May 20, 2008, Jota Resende said…
Hi Kim!
Thanks for your friendship and thanks for your kind words.
You make my day!
I am just an brazilian musician that need to play all kinds of music and sometimes have the chance to play what I like.
I know that this place that Bev built for Stan Getz is a magic place, because everyone I know is so lovely and kind...
....You are a lovely and kind person.
I hope to listen you singing someday.OK??
Nice to meet you Kim. Keep in touch.
Best wishes from Brazil!
**Sorry my English**
At 2:23am on May 29, 2008, Marissa Dodge said…
Hey, Oshkosh b'gosh, I've been there and all around WI. I'm from your neck of the woods - does Duluth, MN ring a bell? Looks like we have a lot in common. I came from a jazz family too - and married into one. I live in TX now, from the coldest to the hottest! I hope to learn more about you and perhaps share some stories here.

May you have abundant blessings in your life!
At 7:12pm on June 7, 2008, Bill Barnes said…
Thank you for your friendship! I'm honored!

All the best,
At 11:03am on June 29, 2008, Lou and Eva said…
Hello Kim, How very nice to meet you here at the Stan Getz Community. Its the "in" place to be on the web nowadays. The music's the best, and the people are all cool jazz lovers. Have a wonderful weekend! Love, Eva and Lou
At 3:35pm on July 20, 2008, Arthur Schroeck said…
What is your dad's name?
At 3:59pm on July 20, 2008, Arthur Schroeck said…
Thanks, being from North Jersey, I didn't know him.

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