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Remembering Stan...

Mario Pompei
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Mario Pompei's Friends

  • Ken McPherson
  • Tom Reyes
  • Nelson Harrison
  • Karl Sterling
  • Arthur  Schroeck
  • Didier EUZET
  • Robert (Dr. Bob) Morrissey
  • Joan DesCarpentier
  • Jaijai Jackson
  • Bev Getz

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Profile Information

About me:
I'm a saxophone player and composer

Comment Wall (10 comments)

At 6:53am on June 8, 2008, Mario Pompei said…
Thanks Mr. Stan Gets for your life, your music has improved my life, your voice are so great to hear.................
At 12:54am on June 9, 2008, Joan DesCarpentier said…
Marioooooooooooooooooooo! eh eh:) Finally, you have made it. I was listening to some excellent music here and saw your sweet face and said YAY! I was looking for your "Carnival?" he he I would love to see you post some of your music here. This is a wonderful community of the finest musicians I have the pleasure to hear...You are at the top sweet friend. Welcome and have fun! ;)
At 12:32pm on June 9, 2008, Joan DesCarpentier said…
Mario:) I am so excited to see "Carnival" here...EXCELLENT! OH and thank you for the friendship:)
At 4:16pm on June 9, 2008, Robert (Dr. Bob) Morrissey said…
Dear Mario,

Your SAX on "Carnival" is GREAT!!!!! It has always been one of my best of best sax or otherwise songs......And also, welcome
to our SGC of music lovers...especially Stan Getz...and the creator of this super music dear "JAZZY BEVERLY"...Bev Getz!!! Speaking of wonderful persons and
sweet and saxy friends...Joan DesCarpentier, I see, is your friend and my dear friend as well (actually she has told me
about your SUPER sax playing and without any question...she
was RIGHT ON! And so, I ask also for your friendship on this
SGC and other music venues "as time goes by".......Hopefully,
you will approve my friend request that I just made to you.....

With My Sincere Appreciation For Your OUTSTANDING MUSIC...and please post more of your songs/sax SOON,
At 5:45am on June 12, 2008, Didier EUZET said…
Thanks for join this great page Mario...
At 10:14am on June 20, 2008, Bev Getz said…
Ciao Mario!

Thank you for joining us here! Wonderful track you have posted! Looking forward to hearing more!

A presto!
At 1:56am on June 25, 2008, Joan DesCarpentier said…
Ciao bello :) I am anticipating your next music post? C'mon... now...your to good to be shy eh eh;) Hows about some "Wishin?" Ok... I will be patient sweet friend. Zzzzzzz ooop
At 7:37pm on June 26, 2008, Joan DesCarpentier said…
Mario?.......Thank you You are genuine and kind I appreciate your friendship to me...OH and yeahhhh..;) I have been wishin for "Wishin" to show up here eh eh:) I am so glad you are here and sharing your gifts and sweet spirit
At 1:15pm on July 4, 2008, Arthur Schroeck said…
It's a pleasure to be your friend. Thanks for adding me.
At 3:15pm on July 28, 2008, Joan DesCarpentier said…
Mariooooo:) "Wishin" came I am so glad to see you have added "Wishin"...I love this version
Blessings to you sweet friend...ciao bello(-:0

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