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Here is the view I see from my flat in Paris. On evening, It is very lovely

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Comment by Paul Wood on January 15, 2009 at 6:50am
très beau cette vue! dans quel arrondissement est-il votre appartement ?
Comment by LECLERC on January 15, 2009 at 7:23am
Je suis à Asnières sur Seine , dans la banlieue proche de Paris.
Comment by Paul Wood on January 16, 2009 at 10:52am
ainsi vous vivez ver le nord-ouest du centre de la grande ville.
Comment by LECLERC on January 16, 2009 at 11:03am
On peut le voir ainsi. Je suis à Paris la semaine et le week-end à Lille , cette fois ci dans le NORD NORD.
C'est là qu'habite ma famille. J'essaie quand même de profiter de Paris en dehors du travail. C'est ainsi qu'il m'arrive d'aller écouter du JAZZ dans les clubs de la rue des lombards. Dernièrement je suis aller écouter un saxophoniste français qui s'appelle Sylvain BEUF. Le connaissez-vous ?
Comment by Paul Wood on January 21, 2009 at 10:23am
Yes, of course, I have heard Sylvain on Radio France. You are so lucky to be able to go to New Morning and the other clubs on the rue des Lombards. Have you hear the pianist Jean-Michel Pilc trio? I saw them near Limoges a few years ago and they are great. Unfortunately there is almost no jazz in our area. That's why I have to have a large library of recorded music. It must be difficult to be away from your family all week. I suppose the quieter atmosphere in Lille is a good change from Paris. Where we live one hears almost nothing, we are so isolated in the country. Thank you for writing and good luck, M. Leclerc.
Comment by LECLERC on January 22, 2009 at 8:13am
Hello Paul,
I have never heard Jean-Michel Pilc but I would like to meet him. Does he live in New York ? I know that the region where you live is poor in JAZZ events but you have Marciac festival. It's great no ? Lille is more simple as Paris. People is also very pleasant. Paris nethertheless is interesting for culture events.
Where do you live exactly ? I have already spent holidays near Cahors .
Comment by Paul Wood on January 22, 2009 at 10:55am
Yes, Michel, I believe Pilc spends most of his time in New York now. You can hear him at his best on the Dreyfuss recording entitled "COMING HOME."

We live in the Corrèze near Brive la Gaillarde where we built a small house near the top of a hill with a view that extends 50 km over farms and valleys. Attached is a sample after a storm with clouds preventing a full view towards the Auvergne.
We have been to Marciac many times and enjoyed the concerts but it requires an overnight and a five hour drive (farther than Paris!). Holidays in the Lot can be very pleasant. A little warm for us but that is why some of the wines from Cahors are quite good.
I hope you enjoy your week in Paris even though it must be quite cold there now. Here we have fog and rain. I think I'll put on Stan's version of SPRING IS HERE to fantasize.
Best regards, Paul


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