Stan Getz Community

Remembering Stan...

February 2010 Blog Posts (7)

The Night We Lost Stan Getz

Late at night in New Windsor New York...getting ready to go to sleep...after a rotten day...with doubts about my life and the direction it's going...the usual shit someone fifty six years old goes through...I set the clock radio to the Jazz station, WBGO...he says in a solemn tone...I'm sorry to report but Stan Getz has died...I'm in my underwear...shocked...not able to move or immediately react...I remember...I was fourteen years old hearing the original Four Brothers recording...Early… Continue

Added by Peter La Barbera on February 25, 2010 at 10:56pm — 5 Comments

Like a Stan Getz Solo

It's like the moonlight.

It's like love on a special night.…


Added by Peter La Barbera on February 25, 2010 at 10:30pm — 1 Comment

Jazz Debate

Thought this was quality..

tony JJ

Added by Tony Jay-Jay on February 20, 2010 at 3:04pm — 1 Comment

A blog devoted to discographies mainly. Various labels, musicians.

Some reviews (sorry, mostly written in German)


Added by Dr. Michael Frohne on February 16, 2010 at 9:23am — No Comments

My childhood days with Stan

My name is Irving (Bob) Mesher. I am 85 years of age and a childhood friend of Stan. I lived at 1449 Minford Pl. and Stan lived at 1453 Minford Pl. in the South Bronx. At the age of 14, I was part of a neighborhood trio. Stan at that time was fooling around with a harmonica. He was interested in joining our group and wanted to play drums. I told him we already had a drummer but in need of a sax player. He got his parents to buy him a sax and when he received it, he…


Added by Irving (Bob) Mesher on February 4, 2010 at 10:31pm — 2 Comments

Feb 2, 1927 - June 6, 1991

The story goes that one day God announced he wished to play a musical instrument and so he choose the tenor saxophone because to him, it sounded closest to the sound of an angelic voice. An angel nearby hearing God suggested he listen to a Stan Getz recording which God did. After listening to a tune or two God declared that he had decided to choose another instrument. When the angel asked God why he had changed his mind God paused, smiled broadly, and answered..."because I have heard the voice… Continue

Added by Belén on February 1, 2010 at 10:30pm — No Comments

Stan Getz on jazz: “It’s like a language. You learn the alphabet, which are the scales. You learn sentences, which are the chords. And then you talk extemporaneously with the horn. It’s a wonderful t…

Stan Getz on jazz: “It’s like a language. You learn the alphabet, which are the scales. You learn sentences, which are the chords. And then you talk extemporaneously with the horn. It’s a wonderful thing to speak extemporaneously, which is something I’ve never gotten the hang of. But musically I love to talk just off the top of my head. And that’s what jazz music is all about."

After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music. - Aldous Huxley Continue

Added by Paul Wood on February 1, 2010 at 6:31am — 1 Comment



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