Stan Getz Community

Remembering Stan...

Stan has been quoted quite a few times. We are lucky he gave out quite a few interviews.
From this we can see first hand his thoughts and views.

Would like to talk about this one

“There are four qualities essential to a great jazzman. They are taste, courage, individuality, and irreverence.
These are the qualities I want to retain in my music.”

I wonder what Stan meant by irreverence. The dictionnary says "lack of respect".
Not sure that's what he really meant to say ? Right ?


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Great Discussion Denis!

I could be wrong, but what I think he meant was thumbing ones nose as conformity... playing 'outside' the lines, not allowing himself to be pigeon holed. Following his heart, no matter, or inspite of what the masses expected/wanted. Having his own voice, at all times. All this musically speaking, of course!
Ok Bev. That's more like what I thought (-:
Thanks for putting it so clearly.
He sure was that.


Bev Getz said:
Great Discussion Denis!

I could be wrong, but what I think he meant was thumbing ones nose as conformity... playing 'outside' the lines, not allowing himself to be pigeon holed. Following his heart, no matter, or inspite of what the masses expected/wanted. Having his own voice, at all times. All this musically speaking, of course!
I don't know when or where the following quote came about. Maybe during an interview.
Maybe somebody can enlighten us ?

Here it is

"The value of jazz still has to be clarified. People involve themselves
with its superficialities without digging for its soul." - Stan Getz

How true (-:


Out of Nowhere
" The saxophone is an imperfect instrument, especially the tenor and soprano, as far as intonation goes. The challenge is to sing on an imperfect instrument that is outside of your body. " (Stan Getz)

" A good quartet is like a good conversation among friends interacting to each other's ideas. " (Stan Getz)
Denis Ouellet said:
Ok Bev. That's more like what I thought (-:
Thanks for putting it so clearly.
He sure was that.


Bev Getz said:
Great Discussion Denis!

I could be wrong, but what I think he meant was thumbing ones nose as conformity... playing 'outside' the lines, not allowing himself to be pigeon holed. Following his heart, no matter, or inspite of what the masses expected/wanted. Having his own voice, at all times. All this musically speaking, of course!

Using Stan's own words might shed light in what he thought irreverence was, guess.

"I've always regretted the fact that I've never formally studied and learned the mechanics of writing music."
Quotation of Stan Get

"I like to play totally by ear, knowing the basic structure, of course."
Quotation of Stan Getz
Another quote:

"You know, when I'm playing, I think of myself in front of the Wailing Wall with a saxophone in my hands, and I'm davening, I'm really telling it to the Wall." - Stan Getz

A religious experience for Stan ?
Maybe ?
This is around the time Stan went to Israel.
By the way a DVD of that trip is available.

Now that's way cool, I have read that quote, but thought it to be from a middle of a comment about something else. I coming to find out, a lot of quotes [anyones] are taken so out of context, so they really are hard to track down the were and when. And this does have that divine quality about it ? Thanks Denis you are always on top of things as always.

Denis Ouellet said:
Another quote:

"You know, when I'm playing, I think of myself in front of the Wailing Wall with a saxophone in my hands, and I'm davening, I'm really telling it to the Wall." - Stan Getz

A religious experience for Stan ?
Maybe ?
This is around the time Stan went to Israel.
By the way a DVD of that trip is available.

" A good quartet is like a good conversation among friends interacting to each other's ideas. " (Stan Getz) Paris, France, November 13, 1966 ;
A French News Paper, and there writer saying "This is one of those consented recordings that you must have in a secure place, always available for any special occasion. Apart of its undeniable musical virtues, you will hear to Stan in one of his most reminded recitals" or the best translation I could get out of it..

Richard Ransom said:
" The saxophone is an imperfect instrument, especially the tenor and soprano, as far as intonation goes. The challenge is to sing on an imperfect instrument that is outside of your body. " (Stan Getz)

" A good quartet is like a good conversation among friends interacting to each other's ideas. " (Stan Getz)
Here is another quote from a 1983 Montreal Jazz festival concert by Stan.

When asked how many Stan Getz he has met during his career, Stan replies:
"Many. Many have copied my style. Actually, what happened was that I influenced a lot of musicians.
But, I am hard to copy... My style is far too simple!"
Joining the discussion very late, but I was about to make a similar comment re: irreverence. "Taste" is the first word in his description. Select great material, then make it your own regardless of the "rules".

A few hours before posting, a thought occurred to me about Mr. Getz's quality of  "irreverence." It indeed is a forward-looking concept, for if jazz links to religion, a jazz pioneer would certainly question the complacency of a theologian. As Slavoj Zizek once said when writing to an imprisoned Russian female musician, "Even though an atheist, you'll be in my prayers."

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