Stan Getz Community

Remembering Stan...

Joan DesCarpentier's Comments

Comment Wall (101 comments)

At 6:09pm on July 1, 2008, Arthur Schroeck said…
Thanks again. Always good to hear from you.
At 9:55pm on July 1, 2008, Robert (Dr. Bob) Morrissey said…
This is a TESTROGEN...............................................................

***Do NOT try this at home!
At 7:24am on July 3, 2008, Bev Getz said…
Wait..... What?...... What's all this talk about "testosterone"?!! Am I missing out on all the fun here?!... LMAO!! ((-:

Hi Joan!
This friend request thing has happened to me as well. The only thing I can think of is that people from other "ning" networks can go between the networks and friend request. I THINK! But not really sure! Don't worry about offending anyone. Our "ning" is so small and sweet! I don't think anyone here could get offended! ((-: And... as "DOD" (Dear Old Dad) would say... "FEITAITCTAJ"! (I can't translate that one!) O~:

Have a great weekend!

At 6:49pm on July 3, 2008, frankeric said…
Hi Joan. Can you help, I cannot view your new added video. Is there something special I need to do?
thanks, frank
At 7:22pm on July 3, 2008, Bev Getz said…
Why not! I don't have a problem with it! Are you able to do this?! Cuz I sure can't! If you can... go for it!! It'll be SWEEEET!!! Adorable video. I've seen it before. Absolutely love it!!!

love ya!
At 9:13pm on July 3, 2008, frankeric said…

At 9:14pm on July 3, 2008, frankeric said…
They, the foxes, have been breeding in my backyard for decades. Enjoy...
At 7:49pm on July 4, 2008, Didier EUZET said…
Please find above the music wich is waiting in my new DVD collector ...
At 2:59am on July 5, 2008, Lou and Eva said…
Scared Puppy OMG!
OMG was that an M-80!!
At 9:56am on July 5, 2008, Bev Getz said…
OMG! How cute is this pic below!!! Looks just like my Stella when she was a baby!

Hope you had a good 4th! Pretty muggy and cloudy here, but enjoyed the fireworks all the same. I never get tired of them!

love and hugs,
At 10:00am on July 5, 2008, Lou and Eva said…
Mornin Joan, glad those dwi'ers didn't cause a accident last night.
We don't want anything to happen to our dear new friend. It wasn't to bad here last night. It peeked between 9:00 and 11:00 and quieted down by midnight. Annie stayed between us and even managed to get in a few zzzzz s with the windows shut. We thought about Paulie, and how he was doing out on his own. Not a day goes by that we don't think of him.
Today a girlfriend is coming over with her new boyfriend. Lou's is thinking about playing a prank on the poor guy. His plan is to tell her to warn her new boyfriend on the way over that Lou has an imaginary friend named Roberto and that he sometimes talks to Roberto. After we all meet and sit around, Lou will start a private conversation with his imaginary friend and intoduce him. This should be interesting. We sure hope he has a sense of humor. We'll give a call at the end of the day a tell you how it all turned out. TTYL Eva and Lou
At 11:06pm on July 5, 2008, Arthur Schroeck said…
When you get a chance, add new member Don Hill as a friend. He was the sax player with the Treniers for 55 years. He was also with Louis Armstrong In the late 40s.
At 1:31am on July 6, 2008, Arthur Schroeck said…
Thank you. You have a good one too.
At 5:30am on July 8, 2008, Didier EUZET said…
Thanks so much for all Joan...
This early night,; I have write this new song: Speedy Man...
It's only a film music SoundTrack speedy ambiance...
have fun
At 9:57am on July 8, 2008, Didier EUZET said…
Your visual heart is great Joan... we will be go to the Oscar twice... me for the music, and you for the storry-script.
At 11:11am on July 8, 2008, Bev Getz said…
Thanks for the precious pic Joan!! Both Stella and I LOVE IT! ((-;

At 2:34pm on July 8, 2008, Lezah said…
Thank you for being a friend. That means alot to me. You have such a lovely place here. Beautiful! I love your photos! Hugs, L.
At 8:18pm on July 8, 2008, Didier EUZET said…
Hello my dear Joan...
This is my evening composition ::: The Nancy Dream ::: You can add scenes with profusion... you are welcome :)
At 9:40pm on July 10, 2008, frankeric said…
Happy 4th Joan. Glad you enjoyed the pics. These guys are everywhere. But so are the bunnies and squirrells. What gives? Or better what's for dinner? Even the geese are proliferating. What are these foxes eating, pasta?
At 4:03pm on July 12, 2008, Arthur Schroeck said…
Hello There. Long time no talk.

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